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Tips For Reducing Heating Bills This Winter Even the mildest winter season can feel like a blizzard compared the mild weather we become accustomed to throughout the rest of the year. In an attempt to keep warm, it’s very easy to crank the heating up without considering the expense of the bills that will be[…]

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Annual boiler checks are services that are carried our by our professional service engineers here at Plumbing on Tap are vital not only to ensure that your boiler is functioning as you’d expect but also to ensure your safety. Homeowners should get their boilers serviced on regular occasions as it is important to make sure[…]

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Boilers always tend to break down at the worst of times. Trying to rush a family out of the house in the morning, only to discover that everyone is going to have a cold shower is usually the case. These sorts of situations can be quite distressing, especially if it’s cold outside. The most important[…]

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The UK’s Energy Saving Trust reports that boilers make up about two-thirds of the total amount due on most energy bills. Even if you regularly get your older model boiler inspected and maintained you are still losing heat energy through the flue, costing you more money and taxing the environment in the process. Modern condensing[…]

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Another season, come and gone. As the last autumn leaves crunch and crumble underneath our feet, it feels right about that time when Plumbing On Taps customers break out the mulled wine, advent calendars, and far more reluctantly — their piggy banks. Energy prices are expected to increase again this year at above inflation rates[…]

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